When you sign up with your email, please check if you received an email from support@withtimo.com. In order to verify your email address, you have to click the button in the email.
If you can't find the verification email from Timo, please check your spam folder or double-check you have inputted your email address correctly.
Please send an email to timo@withtimo.com
It might take 3 ~ 5 days to respond to your email.
When you sign up with your email, please check if you received an email from support@withtimo.com. In order to verify your email address, you have to click the button in the email.
If you can't find the verification email from Timo, please check your spam folder or double-check you have inputted your email address correctly.
Please send an email to timo@withtimo.com
It might take 3 ~ 5 days to respond to your email.